Additional Information
For First-Time Visitors
Have you never seen or heard of kendo?
or, Have you seen videos online but never observed practice?
or, Are you a kenshi who's visiting or moving to the Bay Area?
We accept members at all levels of experience, regardless of age and gender.
Visitors who are already in bogu are welcome to join our regular practice.
First-time visitors are requested to notify us by sending a message through the Contact page.
Visitors from other NCKF dojo who are beginners (i.e. not yet in bogu or only recently started practice in bogu) require the permission from their 'home' dojo instructor before attending practice at MVKD.
People with limited or no prior exposure to kendo are encouraged to observe a class (see schedule).
For Beginners
Have you observed a class at MVKD or elsewhere and are considering joining the dojo?
Beginners from other NCKF dojo who are not yet in bogu or have only recently started wearing bogu:
Are required to ask for permission from their 'home' dojo's instructor before attending practice at MVKD.
Are required to let us know at the earliest so that they are not billed as an MVKD member.
Beginners are required to pay 3 months' fees in advance.
Beginners are required to complete and sign a dojo waiver form.
While no specific fitness level is required, please note that kendo can be physically demanding.
Signing the waiver implies that a beginner has consulted a physician first, if necessary.
Please notify the instructor if you are not feeling well or require a water break.
Please check the website News and Announcement section for practice cancellations, tournament announcements, and special events.
Beginners will not need anything for the first few classes. Any clothing that is appropriate for aerobic exercise (t-shirt and sweatpants are most commonly worn) is recommended. Kendo is practiced barefoot.
For the first couple of classes, beginners can borrow a shinai (bamboo sword) from the dojo, but are expected to purchase and maintain their own equipment thereafter.
Some of the more common equipment suppliers are listed here (no endorsement intended).
Beginners are advised to not purchase kendo equipment without attending a few classes first. Our sensei typically indicates when a member is ready to purchase kendogi (kendo uniform) or wear bogu.
For Parents of Young Members
Are you considering having your child (< 17 years) start kendo?
Practice for younger members typically ends earlier than for adult members.
Young members of the dojo are instructed separately from adults.
At least one parent must be present while their child is practicing.
For Everyone
Are you a current or prospective member of MVKD?
Members are required to participate in two annual fundraising events. These events go a long way in expanding kendo in the Bay Area, and also are opportunities to get to know the kendo community.
Depending on attendance, any member may be called upon to lead the warm up stretches and suburi. All members are asked to to review the warm up sequence and commands normally followed by MVKD.
Members are responsible for bringing their own training/first-aid supplies such as sports tape.